Do's and Don'ts in Thai culture

10 September 2021

- There are some certain things you should and shouldn't do in Thailand. Let's see what they are!

- 在泰国,有些事情您不应该做,这就是原因。

Picture credit: Chiang Mai University

A few DO’S:

- Do speak gently and do not raise your voice.

- Do keep your temper. Public displays of emotion are to be avoided.

- Do smile. A smile can be used to excuse small inconveniences or to thank.

- Do "Wai" monks, old people, and your social superiors.

- Do treat monks with respect at all times. It is taboo for women to touch monks.

- Do use a person’s first name, not the family name.

- Do treat Buddha images with great respect.

- Do remove your shoes when entering a home or a temple.

- Do dress up and wear more formal clothing than you might at home.

- Do show respect for the Thai monarchy.

A few DON’TS:

- Don’t point your feet at anybody and don’t step over anybody or anybody’s food.

- Don’t touch anyone’s hair or head.

- Don’t toss objects. Hand them directly to the person.

- Do not engage in overt displays of affection (such as kissing, etc.) in public.

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